Untitled Sticker Project  2018

Untitled Sticker Project, 2018 was made whilst I was a student at the Royal College of Art, studying on the (then) brand new course the ‘Graduate Diploma’. I was surprised by the number of overseas students on the course, especially from China. It turned out that the course was pretty heavily marketed to overseas students, as a ‘level-up’ course for people to prepare them for study at MA level. I was one of the few home students, but found myself in a strange position - being British Born Hong Kong, and being able to find parallels between the experiences they were going through on the course, and my own growing up in the UK. The sticker is a direct translation of the Royal College of Art logo (which made use of Calvert-Brody font if anyone is interested) and their favourite tagline as the number one Art and Design university in the world.  Yet I think many of the students were disappointed when they started the course, almost missold by how limited their resources were, the standard of teaching, the lack of support etc. Below are are some examples of where the stickers started popping up around the university.

© Alastair Kwan 2024