Current Works

8 Bottle 2024 - Ongoing

Bottle gourds, hand-knitted shetland wool, hazel, willow, soil
Commissioned by Wysing Arts Centre

8 Bottle is a year-long project centring around growing bottle-gourds, a cultivated vegetable with a history going back thousands of years. The piece is inspired by the rediscovery of a dried bottle-gourd, that was present in the house as I grew up, yet knew little about. It resurfaced recently, when my parents were in the process of selling their house. The gourd had been given to our family by my uncle, a feng-shui master, to protect us from evil spirits by sucking them into the gourd. 

Commissioned by Wysing Arts Centre, 8 Bottle is an exercise in negotiating land use, the joy of gardening, and the relationship between my culture and the local community.

I am currently in residence at Wysing Arts Centre 2024-2025.

CONGEE at Southbank Centre, 2023
Comissioned as part of the Artists Food Stall

CONGEE started in 2022, in collaboration with F.A.T. Studio︎︎︎. CONGEE is a series of installations that transform art spaces into temporary canteens where I cook and serve Hong Kong style congee. Congee is a traditional savoury rice porridge that is widely eaten across Asia, however is difficult to find in the UK. The installation combines a number of elements, including performance, sculpture, painting, film and graphic design.

© Alastair Kwan 2023
